Global Health Advocates is a French NGO which mission is to carry out political advocacy in France and with the EU institutions to ensure policies and resources are effectively addressing health inequalities. Read our 2022-2027 strategy.
Paris Office
Global Health Advocates France
176 rue du Temple
75 003 Paris
Advocacy team
Tel : +33 9 81 85 33 16
Finance & administration
#2025PourLaNutrition 📽️🚼 Parce qu’aujourd’hui encore, un million d’enfants de moins de 5 ans meurt de faim chaque année, il est temps de passer à l’action. La lutte contre la malnutrition mérite mieux que nos bonnes résolutions !
@UNICEF_france @SUNCSN @savechildrenuk…
📣 We call on the @EU_Commission for a EU technology policy that serves the public interest.
GHA co-signed together with 48 CSOs @edri's statement following the Tech & Society Summit calling the European Commission to shift its focus from corporate and security interests to an…
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