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Funding and
quality of aid

All people, without any discrimination, should have access to essential health services without being pushed into poverty. Unfortunately, not all countries have the resources or the political will to guarantee this fundamental right.

Within this context, donors’ development aid (ODA) spending is crucial. Global Health Advocates pushes for adequate EU institutions and French ODA budgets as well as improved impact of its related development aid and international solidarity policies. In order to reach our objectives, we monitor and analyse several European countries’ data on development aid and the impact of their policies on health.

Whats is
Overseas Develoment Aid (ODA)?

According to the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) definition, Overseas Development Aid (ODA) is aid administered by States with the objective of promoting economic development and welfare of developing countries.

Are excluded from ODA:

  • Military aid and spending linked to the promotion of donors’ security-related interests
  • Spending linked to commercial objectives, such as export credits

Aid quantity

  • Ensure progress towards the objective of 0.7% of GNI allocated to ODA and the allocation of at least 20% of all EU aid to human development, including health.
  • Ensure high-burden countries’ governments allocate adequate resources (from domestic resources and from global initiatives) to reaching universal health coverage
  • Advocate for increased public spending on biomedical R&D

Aid quality

  • Ensure that France and the EU prioritise human development and global health at the highest political level
  • Advocate for sustainable, inclusive and quality public health policies specifically targeting universal health coverage and universal access to quality health services. Ensure that EU’s and France’s engagement with the private sector through their development
  • Policy is contingent upon the respect of strong fiscal and social safeguards.

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