Please note that the term “EU” refers in this document to the EU institutions only.
- EU Institutions official development assistance (ODA) for health in 2021
- Share of ODA to health
- Bilateral ODA to health
- Multilateral ODA to health
Calculations by Global Health Advocates based on data shared by DonorTracker (available here) ; and on an analysis of the latest official development assistance figures for members of the Development Assistance Committee published by the OECD (available here), using the exchange rates by year shared by the OECD (available here).
- Comparison of G7 donors
Calculations by Global Health Advocates based on data shared by DonorTracker and based on OECD figures (available here and here)
- Top 10 recipients of bilateral EU health ODA
- Share of the EU health ODA allocated to LDCs
Calculations by Global Health Advocates based on an analysis of the latest official development assistance figures for members of the Development Assistance Committee published by the OECD (available here), and based on the exchange rates by year shared by the OECD (available here).
- Health in the MIPs in Sub-Saharan African countries
Calculations by Global Health Advocates based on the EU’s regional MIP for Sub-Saharan Africa (available here) and the country-level MIPs for Sub-Saharan Africa (available here)
For more information, please contact
Manon Kayser
EU Advocacy Officer