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A Year of Engagement: Our Annual Report for 2023

In 2023, Global Health Advocates celebrated its 15th anniversary. This milestone provided an opportunity to reflect on the significant moments in its history, the impact of its advocacy, as well as its strategic and organizational development. But 2023 was also a pivotal year for global health.

In 2023, France adopted a new global health strategy for 2023-2027. The adoption of this strategy was made possible by our mobilisation and that of our CSOs partners in the Collectif Santé Mondiale.

The year 2023 was also marked by major victories in the fight against tuberculosis, notably with an ambitious policy declaration following the second United Nations High Level Meeting (UN HLM) in New York. The Union Conference hosted by France was also an opportunity for researchers and civil society organisations to stress the urgent need to fight this disease by increasing R&D funding on TB.

2023 was also a high point for our campaign calling for more transparency of the pharmaceutical sector. In collaboration with STOPAIDS, we commissioned a series of reports on the imbalance of power and opacity of negotiations between pharmaceutical companies and the EU institutions. The final report of the European Parliament’s COVI special Committee echoed the concerns about the lack of transparency and the harm to public health outcomes presented in our series of reports.

Furthermore, 2023 was an important year in parliamentary mobilisation at the French level, with the launch of “Unis pour la Santé”, a one-of-its-kind cross-party parliamentary club. This club ambitions to inform MPs about global health and international solidarity challenges and support them in their parliamentary work on these pressing issues. Around 20 parliamentarians actively participated in our events, while nearly 200 MPs disseminated our advocacy calls through various channels. 5 MPs co-signed a letter to President Macron calling for the strengthening of sexual and reproductive rights following a study trip to Senegal.

For more detail on the activities that shaped our work throughout the year, we invite you to explore our Annual Report, published today.