The European Union (EU) is currently reviewing the multiannual indicative programmes (MIPs), which lay down the priorities for EU cooperation with partner countries. At Global Health Advocates, we wonder if the EU will seize this opportunity to ensure increased support to human development and health.
Even if the current programmes were developed in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, many partner countries do not have health as a key priority in their cooperation with the EU or do not have adequate resources dedicated to them.
With many commitments made for global health after the initial adoption of these programmes, including the launch of EU’s new Global Health Strategy, this revision is a key moment to ensure health is identified as a priority and receives adequate funding from the EU during the period of 2025-2027.
As EU Delegations in partner countries are now reviewing the priorities and funding allocations for the MIPs, Global Health Advocates is urging them to ensure increased support for human development and health. This will allow the EU to fully embrace the role of global health leader and be a champion in promoting access to quality health care services to citizens of EU partner countries.