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Can the Paris Summit truly advance global health financing and equity?

More than one hundred civil society organisations from around the world are calling for concrete results in favour of global health financing and equity at the Paris Finance Summit.

This week, President Emmanuel Macron is gathering world leaders in Paris to discuss a new Global Financing Pact to enhance international collaboration amid multiple crises that are threatening if not reversing progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. We, members of the international solidarity community, specially mobilised for Global Health, are welcoming this initiative and calling on participants to send a strong message by making bold commitments to keep the world safer and healthier.

Expectations for the Summit are running high. As a matter of fact, despite Covid-19 no longer being considered a public health emergency, it remains a global threat. Moreover, the unpreparedness and global divide that was highlighted by the pandemic still remain to be addressed. Ongoing reforms of the global health ecosystem also need to be better supported to guarantee stronger equity in accessing health and wellbeing services and products. In addition, more resources are needed for health to genuinely become a global public good as well as to address the global challenge of pandemic preparedness and response. Mitigating and adapting to climate change will also be crucial for public health.

Even though the Paris Summit has been conceived as a milestone to advance discussions happening in other international fora, such a high-level gathering is an important opportunity to pave the way for solutions. Reforming Multilateral Development Banks to enhance their support to health systems strengthening, mobilising more concessional resources for health including by non-traditional donors, reallocating some of the Special Drawing Rights issued during the Covid-19 crisis to finance PPR, suspending debts for countries facing epidemics outbreaks and implementing international innovative taxations and financing mechanisms to fund global health solidarity would be aligned with this Summit mandate and have a considerable impact. The ambition stated during the Summit will need to be pursued afterward and civil society organisations need to be associated in the aftermath.

Since the beginning of his first term and especially during the Covid pandemic, Emmanuel Macron has been at the forefront of the need for more global health solidarity. From his hosting of the 2019 historically successful replenishment of the Global Fund to the launch of the Access to Covid Tools Accelerator and the initiative of sharing vaccine doses, his leadership has brought the world together for more collaboration. Nonetheless, after witnessing the slow progress made for global health equity since the midst of the pandemic and the limited additional resources that were dedicated to fight the negative impact of Covid-19 on other health issues and PPR, there are growing concerns on the scope of the currently available political will for advancing global health financing and equity. We count on him and his fellow leaders to prove that the lessons that are claimed to be learned from the Covid pandemic are now turned into action.


  1. 237 Paroles
  2. Aalem for Orphan and Vulnerable Children, Inc.
  3. Action communautaire pour le Bien-être de l’Enfant et de la Femme au Burkina (ABEFAB)
  4. ACTION Partnership
  5. Action Pour le Développement et l’Assistance des Couches Vulnérables en Afrique (ADACVA)
  6. Action Solidaire de la jeunesse pour le développement communautaire (ASOJEDEC)
  7. Afrihealth Optonet Association (CSOs Network)/Society for Conservation and Sustainability of Energy and Environment in Nigeria (SOCSEEN)
  8. Afrique pour le Développement et la promotion Humaine de la Femme et de l’Enfant (ADEPHFE)
  9. Aide Internationale pour le Développement Durable (AIDD)
  10. Americas TB Coalition
  11. Amoru AIDS Suppoet Community Initiative
  12. Appui Aux Initiatives De Développement Communautaire (AIDEC)
  13. Armée des Jeunes contre le Paludisme de la RDC
  14. Association de Soutien à l’Autopromotion Sanitaire Urbaine (ASAPSU)
  15. Association ADS2
  16. Association Afrique Vision
  17. Association AJEMA
  18. Association de Développement Agricole Éducatif et Sanitaire de Manono
  19. Association de Développement Intégré des Jeunes du Burkina Faso (ADIJ_BF)
  20. Association des Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs du Niger (AEJTN)
  21. Association des Plateformes d’Entrepreneurs Étudiants de Côte d’Ivoire (APEE)
  22. Association Féminine Vision Positive (AFVIPO)
  23. Association For Promotion of Sustainable Development
  24. Association pour la promotion de la santé (APROS)
  25. Association pour la promotion des albinos au Cameroun (APAC)
  26. Association pour la santé communautaire de kaele
  27. Association Yemini Santé
  28. AVAC
  29. Better Life Youth Association
  30. Caribbean Vulnerable Communities
  31. Caritas et Communauté Arbre et Vie (CARICAV)
  32. Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum (CEHRDF)
  33. Cercle des Amis solidaire de Maroua (CASMA)
  34. Child/Women Welfare Foundation
  35. Christ Soldiers Foundation
  36. Christian Spiritual Youth Ministry (CSYM) HUDUMA / Mbuenet Mtandao Coalitions East Africa
  37. Coalition of CSOs for Health Financing and UHC (COFIS-CSU)
  38. Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS
  39. Comité régional de Santé et d’Hygiène Guinée Forestière (CoRSaH GF)
  40. Disability Peoples Forum, Uganda
  41. Dorcas Orphanage Centre Tiko
  42. Éducation Santé et Amélioration du Cadre de Vie (ESCAVI)
  43. Environnement, Communautés, Santé et Sécurité (ECOSS)
  44. Equal Health and Rights Access Advocacy Initiative (EHRAAI)
  45. Femmes Actives de Bertoua
  46. Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN)
  47. Global Health Advocates / Action Santé Mondiale
  48. Global Network of Young People Living with HIV
  49. Good Health Community Programmes
  50. Green for Life Rwanda
  51. Green Leaf Organization (GLO)
  52. Harm Reduction International
  53. Health, Education and Economic Development (HEED), Bangladesh
  54. Homme pour le Droit et la Santé Sexuelle (HODSAS), RDC
  55. Ilias Centre for Global Challenge (ICGC)
  56. IMAG
  57. Impact Santé Afrique (ISA)
  58. Indigenous Women for Health and Equality
  59. Initiative For Sustainable Community Development (ISCOD)
  60. Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB)
  61. IntraHealth International
  62. Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium (KANCO)
  63. Kitron Green Solutions
  64. Legal Vision Organization (LEVO)
  65. Malaria Youth Army Cameroun
  66. Michael Adedotun Oke Foundation
  67. Monde des Enfants de Cœur pour l’Atténuation de la Pauvreté du Frère Rural au Togo (ONG MECAP FR TOGO)
  68. Mothers Initiatives Africa
  69. MULEIDE, Women Law and Development Association
  70. Nigeria Network of People Who Use Drugs (NNPUD)
  71. Nigerian Aid Group of Islam, JNI
  72. One Health – Communication for Development in Action
  73. Organisation de la Femme pour l’Islam sans Frontières
  74. Organisation pour la Protection de l’Environnement et la Sauvegarde des Valeurs Traditionnelles OPESVaT
  75. Organization for Rural Self-Help Initiatives
  76. OSER Humanitaire
  77. Plateforme des Fédérations des Personnes handicapées de Madagascar
  78. Plateforme des ONG et Associations de lutte contre le Paludisme en République du Congo (POALP)
  79. Plateforme des OSC pour la promotion de la Vaccination et le Renforcement du système de Santé au Cameroun (PROVARESSC)
  80. Plateforme des réseaux et faitière de lutte contre le sida et les autres pandémies, Côte d’Ivoire
  81. Plus de Sida dans les Familles
  82. POWER, Providing opportunities for Women and Youths Empowerment and Rights
  83. Princess of Africa Foundation
  84. Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
  85. Public Health Update
  86. Réseau de Développement des Femmes Pauvres (RDFP)
  87. Réseau des Jeunes du Cameroun
  88. Réseaux santé plus Niger
  89. Results International, Australia
  90. Results International, Canada
  91. Revive Action Cameroon (REVACAM)
  92. Rujewa Integrated Efforts to Fight Poverty (RIEFP)
  93. Salamander Trust
  94. Salud por Derecho
  95. Santé et Action Globale
  96. Solidarité pour l’encadrement et Lutte contre la pauvreté
  97. Strategic Poverty Alleviation Systems (SPAS)
  98. Sukaar Welfare Organization
  99. TB Alert
  100. TB Europe Coalition
  101. The Health, Environment & Agriculture Development Program (HEADP), Nepal
  102. The voice of Marginalized Community (TVMC)
  103. Toi Du Monde Sénégal
  104. UDYAMA
  105. UMANDE
  106. Union de Solidarité d’Aide au Développement Communautaire (USADEC)
  107. Vertex of Hope Initiative
  108. VINAGBE
  109. Vista Organisation for Education and Social Development in Africa (ONG VOESDA)
  110. WACI Health
  111. Women Coalition for Agenda 2030
  112. Women Together Edu-Cultural Center
  113. Wote Youth Development Projects CBO
  114. Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini
  115. Zéro Pauvre Afrique