On June 20th, the European Commission proposed a targeted revision of the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Recognising that external action has been under severe stress since 2021 and that the EU budget is not adequately equipped to enable the EU to fulfill its geopolitical ambitions, meet its global commitments and respond to unforeseen crisis, the Commission proposed an increase of €10.5 billion to Heading 6 – Neighbourhood and the World.
However, this proposal only partially responds to the concerns we raised with other partners in May here. In fact, Global Health Advocates believe the Commission’s proposal is the bare minimum required to allow the EU to remain a relevant global actor.
It is important the revision of the MFF delivers the additional resources and flexibility necessary to protect the EU’s leadership, credibility and influence.
What’s more, the proposal is currently under discussion in the Council, and there is a risk that EU Member States may reject the proposed increase put forward by the Commission.
Alongside 19 other civil organisations, we have prepared an analysis of the Commission’s proposal and we call on Member States and the European Parliament to:
1. Reinforce the emerging challenges cushion and prioritise investments in global challenges.
2. Ensure migration spending enhances the benefits of migration for development and building resilience.
3. Provide additional funding for the humanitarian budget line and ensure the SEAR is fit for the future.
4. Fully equip the Flexibility Instrument to respond to unforeseen needs.
Alongside our partners, we will now work to advocate for these shared recommendations to be integrated into the Council and the EU Parliament’s decision-making processes.