As the EU’s new Neighbourhood, Development, International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) – Global Europe starts to bear its fruit, and the European Commission begins to review it, Global Health Advocates stress how this Instrument is not fit for purpose to address the root causes of poverty.
In this policy note, we underline how the EU missed the opportunity to prioritise grands and public sector promotion to assure development aid reaches people first. We highlight how human development remains a key area for the EU’s added value and should be further prioritised.
NDICI – Global Europe Instrument was underfunded since the start of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 (MFF), creating a gap between EU’s bold ambitions on the global stage and the resources available to achieve them. The adoption of the new Global Health Strategy in November 2022 offers the EU an opportunity to fully embrace the role of global health leader that it sought to play during the pandemic, to reaffirm health as a major geopolitical priority, and to sustain it with adequate financing.
The EU must increase its support to human development and health, in line with partner countries’ national priorities and be more accountable and transparent in the design and implementation of its programming. We urge the European Commission to take these issues into account when reviewing the NDICI – Global Europe and the Multiannual Financial Framework.