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Closer than ever: sustaining the health gains of polio eradication for a safer future

By 13 December 2023January 16th, 2024No Comments

Although wild poliovirus has been eradicated in most countries, polio remains a threat in countries where vaccine-derived forms of poliovirus still circulate. On the African continent, which was declared WPV-free by the WHO in 2020, the population is still at risk – particularly children with low immunisation rates – as the circulation of vaccine-derived poliovirus remains a concern and as the recent resurgence of wild poliovirus cases makes clear.

The present report aims to understand the remaining challenges for global polio eradication. It was drafted on the basis of a desk review of polio eradication strategies, in-country case studies, and interviews conducted with key informants at global, European, and national levels.

Alongside efforts for polio eradication, this report makes the case that an equal focus should be put on long-term approaches centred around improving overall immunisation rates of the population, while formulating 6 key recommendations for the European Union to help make the world a safer, healthier place.