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SUPPORT OUR TEAM! GHA is looking for a consultant



Date of issue: 01/07/24

Position: consultant

Period : from mid-August to end of October (over 16 days)

About GHA:

Global Health Advocates (GHA) is a French NGO whose mission is to carry out political advocacy in France and with the EU institutions to ensure policies and resources are effectively addressing health inequalities. Created in 2001, GHA was born out of a collective effort to eliminate three poverty-related diseases. At the French level, GHA works to ensure Official Development Assistance (ODA) is increased and that access to health is a priority in French development policies. At EU level, GHA develops recommendations on EU research, health, and development budgets and policies that have the potential to help the world reach equitable access to health.


  • Founded in 2000, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is an international organisation created to improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries. Furthermore, it aims to reduce access inequalities by encouraging manufacturers to lower the price of vaccines for the lowest-income countries, in exchange for high, predictable, long-term demand from these countries.
  • The EU has historically been a strong supporter of Gavi and of other GHIs such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the WHO, or the GPEI. During the previous 2021-2025 funding round for Gavi 5.0, the European Commission allocated €300 million in direct contributions to Gavi for their core immunisation work.
  • On 20 June 2024, a high-level event was co-hosted in Paris by the Government of France, the African Union and Gavi, together with Team Europe partners to launch the Gavi 6.0 Investment Opportunity and the AVMA. This represents a unique opportunity to support immunisation on a global scale, in line with the guiding principles of the EU’s Global Health Strategy.
  • Despite a constrained EU budgetary context and uncertainties linked to the European Parliament elections in June 2024 and to the subsequent high-level political turnover, it is essential that the EU continues to position itself as a strong supporter of Gavi 6.0 for the period 2026-2030, and for other GHIs
  • This challenging context means it is more important than ever for EU policymakers to be convinced of Gavi’s added value compared to and alongside other GHIs, in accordance with the Lusaka Agenda

Consultancy summary:

Main objective:

  • Develop a narrative and messaging which will resonate with EU decision-makers, leading to a significant EU pledge to Gavi 6.0


  • Contribute to discussions at EU and international level on the Lusaka Agenda
  • Inform the EU’s position within Gavi’s board and committees on the alignment between the Lusaka Agenda, and the EU Global Health Strategy


  • In the context outlined above, GHA is looking for a consultant to:
    • Monitor and gather intelligence on developments at EU level between now and the Gavi replenishment conference, scheduled for early 2025, and share with colleagues in Paris as relevant;
    • Research Gavi’s current positioning vis-à-vis the five recommendations outlined on the long-term evolution of the GHI ecosystem in the Lusaka Agenda
    • Advocate for the EU constituency to the governance bodies of Gavi to implement the 6.0 strategy in line with the EU’s priorities for Global Health, as outlined in the Global Health Strategy
    • Support GHA in liaising with partner CSOs also working on the replenishment process (attend calls and meetings, report back, follow up as required);
    • Support in the identification of new “champions” in the newly elected European Parliament
    • Draft a short report in support of the above – see below.
  • Content of the report:
    • Elaborate on aspects of the 6.0 strategy in connection with the Lusaka Agenda which will resonate the most with EU decision-makers by providing additional evidence on:
      • the potential for further coordination between GHIs and the concrete impact of potential synergies;
      • Gavi’s added value to the GHI landscape;
    • Expand on said aspect through in-depth desk research, providing additional supporting evidence of their complementarity and synergies;
    • Make the case for EU support to Gavi 6.0 being in line with the implementation of the EU Global Health Strategy
    • Calculate an estimate of the number of lives saved thanks to the EU’s contribution in Gavi 5.0,
  • Expected deliverables:
    • Draft report;
    • An executive summary of the main findings, including key facts and figures;
    • Draft a list of key informants and relevant questions.
  • Methodology:
    • Literature review of available documentation regarding GHIs in the GH landscape;
    • Analysis of said documentation.
    • Interviews and meetings with key informants and experts on global health at EU level to gather input and views (minimum 8).

Main tasks:

  • Literature review;
  • Draft of a report (10 pages max) summarising main findings (ideally: end of September);
  • Convene a strategic brainstorming on key findings from the report with the GHA policy team and allies based on the analysis (tentative date: mid-October);
  • GHA representation among partners as needed and proactively lead on strategic thinking in the run up to the replenishment conference.

Timeframe & budget:

Starting in early August and finishing at the end of October, for a maximum 16 days and for a total budget of up to 12,000 € (including all taxes). Applicants are required to propose a planning and budget to conduct the consultancy.

Consultant profile – Experience and skills required:


  • Excellent knowledge of global health, GHIs, and immunisation-related topics
  • Familiarity with Gavi: its mission and structure
  • Excellent drafting skills in English
  • Diplomacy
  • Rigour
  • Organisation
  • Flexibility
  • Autonomy

Education and experience:

  • University diploma in law, international relations, international development, humanitarian action of public health;
  • Professional experience in international solidarity, development or global health sectors.

Application process:

Interested candidates who fully meet the above criteria are invited to send submit the following:

  • Cover letter indicating interest and past experiences from similar projects;
  • Foreseen planning and budget proposal;
  • An updated CV or Company profile with references.

Please send the items listed above (in one single document) to with ‘Gavi EU consultant – *your name*’ as the subject of your email before 15 July.

You may be asked to attend a short interview to discuss your expression of interest further.

Download the Terms of Reference